What is an active bystander?

An active bystander is someone who actively intervenes when they witness a negative, disrespectful, harmful, or potentially harmful situation

An active bystander is someone who actively intervenes when they witness a negative, disrespectful, harmful, or potentially harmful situation occurring.

As a bystander, one is not directly involved in the situation but is aware of or witnesses it happening. 

Becoming an active bystander requires understanding (knowing or feeling) that a situation is unacceptable and deciding to intervene in some way. Having this knowledge, deciding to act and taking the right kind of action are not always easy or straightforward. This is especially true when there are strong hierarchies or cultural norms about “the way we do things here”. 

Every time individuals feel empowered and equipped to actively challenge unacceptable behaviour, their words and actions build a positive, inclusive culture.     

Intervention from bystanders sends a powerful message and creates new norms about what is acceptable and expected behaviour. 

About the author

Picture of Rebecca Bridger
Rebecca Bridger

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