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Latest insights from Estates and Facilities Management Virtual Roundtable

During November, our CEO and Founder, Rebecca Bridger, hosted a virtual roundtable, bringing together leaders with oversight of the Estates and Facilities (E&F) function to network, share best practice and discuss pain points. 

Springboarding off the recently published NHS estates and facilities workforce action plan, the discussion explored the biggest challenges and priorities for E&F providers in relation to their people, and how they are tackling them.

The roundtable was a rare opportunity for leaders to share experiences and learnings with one another in a truly candid space, and the chance to connect and continue the conversation after the event.

Leaders discussed managing workforce challenges alongside often complex and aging infrastructure. This involves balancing key person dependencies and managing existing processes while simultaneously trying to improve them. The nature of operating models and sourcing relationships adds further complexity to the workforce agenda for this sector.

What did we learn are the top five people priorities for E&F leaders?

1. The importance of promoting E&F as a rewarding career choice

2. Challenges attracting our next generation of talent

3. Recognising and valuing the people who work in E&F

4. Interims who work as caretakers vs. change-makers

5. Managers lacking leadership skills

Download the Industry Insights from the Hatching Ideas Roundtable to read more.

Our next roundtable will be in February. Please contact our Head of Business Operations, Tom Madden to register your interest in attending.

If you are interested in finding out how Hatching Ideas can help your or your organisation adapt – get in touch with us. 

More information coming soon!

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